NYSE Historical Stock Price Data From Quandl

Quandl is a great resource for historical stock price data. I thought I'd pull some meta-data out of the "Wiki EOD Stock Prices" data set in order to help future developers.

First, here is the table structure I used to insert the CSV flat file into SQL Server:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SymbolHistory](
[ticker] [varchar](5) NULL,
[date] [date] NULL,
[open] [decimal](16, 6) NULL,
[high] [decimal](16, 6) NULL,
[low] [decimal](16, 6) NULL,
[close] [decimal](16, 6) NULL,
[volume] [decimal](26, 15) NULL,
[ex-dividend] [decimal](22, 18) NULL,
[split_ratio] [decimal](21, 19) NULL,
[adj_open] [decimal](25, 18) NULL,
[adj_high] [decimal](25, 18) NULL,
[adj_low] [decimal](25, 18) NULL,
[adj_close] [decimal](25, 18) NULL,
[adj_volume] [decimal](25, 18) NULL

Second, here is a list of all 3,194 NYSE symbols in the Quandl flat file as of 2017-11-06, and the min and max dates that they appeared.


Hope this helps,


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