Azure Kudu Deployment with Version Number
I recently blogged about generating a version.txt file on every build via Visual Studio . This solution is fine if you are building from you local machine and using Web Deploy to deploy to Azure, but if you have a github webhook and are using kudu, the VS Post Build Events are not executed. The easiest way I found to generate a version.txt file for every deployment is to add a post deployment action to your Web App/App Service. Create a file within the /site/deployments/tools/PostDeploymentActions/ folder of your App Service (you may need to create that folder). You can name the file whatever you'd like, I chose `generategitversionfile.cmd`. The file should contain at least the following line: git rev-parse HEAD > "..\wwwroot\version.txt" This command will be executed within the context of the `/site/repository` directory, that's why we need a more fully qualified path for where to write the file. Now, after every kudu deploy, a new version.txt file wil...