
Showing posts from March, 2016

Azure HTTP Web Server Logs to SQL

If you enable File System Web Server logs for your Azure App Service... Settings > Diagnostics logs > Web server logging > File System You'll start to see logs on the file system for your app service here: (you can find your FTP host and credentials in the publish profile file) /LogFiles/http/RawLogs Alternatively, you can see these logs through the Kudu UI: https://{yourappservicename} Instead of downloading these one and a time and parsing through them, you can use the following library to assist in loading them into a relational database. You could even run this as a webjob within your app service. Get the code here: **Update: This repo now includes a web project that references the console app as a WebJob. You may also want to check out the LogParser tool by Microsoft

Store Amazon SES Delivery Notifications in DynamoDB using SNS and Lambdas

I spent way too much time configuring my Amazon AWS account to store Simple Email Service SES Delivery Notifications to a DynamoDB Table . I thought I'd put this guide together to hopefully help future developers. This guide does not currently cover these topics, but I may include them in the future: 1. Setting up your Amazon AWS Account. 2. Setting up Amazon SES. (dkim, domain/email identities, etc.) 3. Integration with Amazon SES from your app. 4. SNS Topic creation/configuration. Prerequisites: 1. Amazon AWS account has been created/configured. 2. Amazon SES has been created/configured. 3. Amazon SNS Topic has been created/configured. 4. Delivery Notifications for the Amazon SES Domain Identity have been configured to be sent to the SNS Topic. 5. Your app is integrated with Amazon SES and successfully sending email. Step by Step Guide to Storing SES Delivery Notification messages into a DynamoDB Table: So at this point, you're successfully integrated w...